
Saturday, September 4, 2021

Nursery Technique for Sorghum, Cumbu and Ragi

Scientific name:

Sorghum – Sorghum bicolor

Cumbu – Pennisetum glaucum

Ragi – Eleusine coracana


Nursery :

It is a place where young seedling are grown under controlled environment and then transplanted to main field for cultivation

Raised nursery bed

Selection of Seed:

     The seed should be free from pest and diseases. All the ill seeds should be separated by treating them in salt water ( 1kg sodium chloride + 10 litres of water), where the floating ones are separated from the rest of healthy seeds. This is done to prevent upcoming diseases like ergot, downey mildew, etc

Nursery Area:

Sorghum - 7.5 cent ( 300 sq.m)

Cumbu - 7.5 cent

Ragi -12.5 cent ( 500 sq.m)

Field Preparation: 

The field should be well ploughed, fine tilth leveled one


FYM( Farm Yard Manure) Needed:


Sorghum- 750kg /ha

Cumbu -750kg/ha

Ragi - 500kg/ha


Note: for Cumbu and extra 37.5 kg of zinc sulphate is added


Recommended Seed Rate:



Irrigated field - direct sowing - 10kg/ha, Transplanting- 7.5kg/ha

Rainfed field - 15kg/ha



Direct sowing - 5kg/ha

Irrigated field - 3.7kg/ha




Direct sowing and tranplanting - 5kg/ha


Laying of Nursery Bed:


Raised seed bed is preferred for drainage of excess water.

Dimensions for crops:

Sorghum - 2 x 1.5m

Cumbu - 3 x 1.5m

Ragi - 3x 1.5m


Seed Treatment:

It is technique or process to prevent diseases in seed  by incorporation of fertilizers and fungicides.


Example :

Sorghum - Dry seed treatment ( mixing of 2-4 gm of fungicide to 1kg of seed)

                - Seed hardening for rainfed crops

                - Biofertilizer , Azolla ( 3 packets = 600gm) binder for adhesion of fertilizer to seed . 


 By means of broad casting the seeds/ sowing behind country plough/ using seed drill. Make a shallow hill, apply another 500 kg of FYM covering the hill

 Water Management:


1. Provide 1 inlet to each Nursery Unit.


2.  Allow passage of water to inlet and cover all channels, till the raised beds are wet enough.


3. Adjust frequency of irrigation according to soil type.








1st Irrigation


Life irrigation (i.e. immediately after sowing)

Life Irrigation


2nd Irrigation

3rd day

4th day (except Cumbu)

3rd Irrigation

7th day

9th day


12th day

15th day


17th day


Note:  2nd Irrigation for Cumbu in heavy soil is also done on 3rd day.





  Average Nursery Duration / Age of seedlings:


For Sorghum, Cumbu – 15 to 18 days

For Ragi – 15 days



Sorghum -> 45x15 cm

Cumbu -> 45x15cm(except Co 7 -35x15cm)

Ragi -> 15x15cm


No. of Seedlings per hill


Sorghum = 2 seedling/hill

Depth = 3 to 5 cm


NOTE: Do not keep seedlings in nursery for more than 18 days!

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